Gilgit To Hunza Distance


Gilgit is located in Pakistan at latitude 35.92 and longitude 74.31, while Hunza is located in Pakistan at latitude 36.32 and longitude 74.65.


Gilgit and Hunza are separated by a large distance.


  Gilgit To Hunza Distance


Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance


The total straight line distance between Gilgit and Hunza is 53 km and 800 metres. 

The distance between Gilgit and Hunza in miles is 33.4 miles.


Because this is a straight line distance, the actual travel distance between Gilgit and Hunza may be higher or vary due to road curvature.


The driving distance or travel distance from Gilgit to Hunza is 97 kilometres and 84 metres. The road distance between these two points is 60.3 miles measured in miles.


Difference in Time Between Gilgit and Hunza

Gilgit To Hunza Distance

Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance


The actual time difference between Gilgit and Hunza is 0 hours, 1 minutes, and 21 seconds.


Please keep in mind that Gilgit and Hunza time is calculated using the local city’s UTC time. It may differ depending on the country’s standard time, local time, and so on.


 Gilgit To Hunza Travel Time

Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance


Gilgit is approximately 53 kilometres from Hunza, so if you travel at a constant speed of 50 kilometres per hour, you will arrive in Hunza in 1 hour and 47 minutes. Your Hunza travel time may vary depending on the speed of your bus, train, or vehicle.


The Halfway Point Between Gilgit and Hunza.

Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance


A midway point, also known as a halfway point, is the centre point between the source and destination locations. The midpoint between Gilgit and Hunza is located at 36.118789491989 latitude and 74.478349246923 longitude.


If you need to stop for a break, you can do so around this midway point after checking the safety, feasibility, and so on.

Kootenai Falls, Montana

Gilgit To Hunza Road Map

Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance


Hunza is located to the north-east of Gilgit. The bearing angle between Gilgit and Hunza is 34 degrees. The North East direction given from Gilgit is only an approximation.


The provided Google map depicts the route, with the blue colour line indicating road connectivity to Hunza. On the route map to Hunza, you can find hotels, tourist attractions, picnic areas, gas stations, and various religious sites.


If the provided Google map does not allow you to view all of the places that you expect, please visit our detailed map here to view street maps and local places.


Driving Directions from Gilgit to Hunza

Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance


The following driving directions will take you from Gilgit to Hunza. Our straight line distance may differ from the distance calculated by Google.


Distance from Gilgit

Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance

Because of the one-way traffic on the road, the onward journey distance may differ from the downward distance.


This website provides travel information and distances for cities all over the world. For example, if you’re wondering how far it is between Gilgit and Hunza? Or how far is it from Gilgit to Hunza? What is the Distance between Gilgit and Hunza by car. Road distance between Gilgit and Hunza. The road distance between Gilgit and Hunza is 52 kilometres (32.7 miles). It will also provide answers to those questions.


Weather In Hunza

Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance


Hunza has a pleasant summer climate. In the summer, the maximum temperature is around 14 degrees Celsius, but it can reach 31 degrees Celsius in central Hunza in July and August. Temperatures can drop below -10 degrees Celsius or even lower during the winter months.


Hunza’s inhabitants are warm, cooperative, and welcoming. Hunza people mostly speak Urdu, however Shina, Wakhi, and Burushaski are also spoken.



Gilgit To Hunza Distance
Gilgit To Hunza Distance


Tourists go to this valley to see the two most famous forts, the Altit and Baltit forts. The Altit Fort, which is located in the Altit settlement, is the oldest fort in the northern territories.


It is situated on a mountain ledge with remarkable architectural style, with the Hunza River flowing behind it. Baltit Fort, located at the summit of Karimabad, is another stunning fort in the Hunza valley. After renovations, the Baltit fort has been converted into a heritage museum.


Cultural Things of Hunza Valley

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Karimabad Bazaar in Hunza is famous for its local handicrafts, handmade carpets, traditional and embroidered headgear, various shawls, handwoven fabric, and gemstones such as Ruby. The Ruby Mines are a well-known tourist destination.


The snow-capped and rugged mountains of the Hunza valley are well-known. Many visitors come to Hunza merely to catch a glimpse of the Rakaposhi Mountain’s gleaming ice wall. Passu Peak, Ultra Peak, and Kuksel Sar are three other popular mountains in Hunza.


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